




一個品質良好的假髮大約需要美金1500~2900之間(編註:以1:30來算大約為台幣四萬五~八萬七之間),通常需要試戴好幾次,當你的最終假髮出來以後,換髮診所會幫你"剪下來",並且照你所說的幫你作好造型。結果會是令你目眩神迷的,而且照顧假髮超級簡單,一個有品質的人髮假髮(human hair wig)可以拿來做很多造型,可以moussed(不曉得何意)、可以染、可以放上可以拿下,所有你所想到自然人髮能做的一切它都能做。











下面是原文~載自iwanthair's blog,話說最近這個Blog一直介紹假髮,是作者已經放棄生髮了嗎@@


Vacuum Cap Wigs: A Custom Fit for Alopecia Totalis

So what exactly is a vacuum hair prosthesis? A vacuum hair prosthesis (or wig) is created by taking a mold that is tailored specifically for the curvature and shape of head. Hair is attached to the resulting base and styled to your specifications. A vacuum wig is made of hypoallergenic materials that will wisk away sweat, which often cause itching and odor. The base of the wig secures to your head via a vacuum seal that makes it extraordinarly secure. When the wig is placed on the head with a perfect shape, it creates a vacuum seal and it won’t come off unless you intentionally break the seal and remove it. The beauty of a vacuum hairpiece is that it is not necessary to use medical adhesives or tape to secure it in place. The vacuum seal alone will hold it securely in place.

Is a Vacuum wig right for me? In order to create a vacuum wig, a trained hair loss professional will create a mold of your head. For a vacuum wig to work, it is also necessary that you be completely bald. This is an ideal solution for the person who is suffering from Alopecia Totalis or Alopecia Universalis.

If you are suffering from hair loss, but you still have some hair on your head, there are a host of other hair loss solutions available which you can explore with your hair loss consultant.

How much does it cost? A quality vacuum hair prosthesis or wig can range in price from $1,500 to $2,900. Several fittings are usually required, and when the final wig is ready, your hair replacement clinic will “cut it in,” styling it just the way you want it. The end result is fabulous. Caring for your new wig is also extremely easy. A quality human hair wig can be styled, moussed, colored, put up, taken down, everything you can do with your own natural growing hair.

Will a vacuum wig fall off? The vacuum wig, by its nature, is extremely secure. It will not fall off like many fashion wigs you might buy online or at the mall. A custom vacuum wig or hair prosthesis will not come off unless it is taken off intentionally. To remove it, simply place your fingers underneath the edge of the wig’s base in order to release the suction.

Is a vacuum wig comfortable? A quality custom made vacuum wig is extremely comfortable. May clients report that they totally forget that it is on their head. It quite literally becomes part of you. Many people with Alopecia Totalis or Alopecia Universalis opt for this type of hair loss solution since it meets their needs and allows them the lifestyle freedom they desire.

How do I care for my Vacuum Wig? Caring for a vacuum wig is similar to caring for your own naturally growing hair, since it is designed for extended wear. May clients never remove it. Simply shower and shampoo as you normally would and wash it and condition it as if it were your own growing hair.


編輯By 小編H


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